Council Meeting 05/24/10



Call Regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Chris Capaul


PRESENT: Mayor Capaul, Council Members Taylor, Osborn, and Stieve-McPadden

ABSENT:  Council Member Dodge

STAFF:  Administrator Murphy, City Engineer David Martini, Public Works Jeff Frost, Deputy Chris Nelson and Clerk Maetzold

ALSO PRESENT:  Don Wachholz, Nikki Larson, Ivan Raconteur and Jerry Van Dyke from Bargen Inc.


The Meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.



MOTION made by Council Member Taylor with a second by Council Member Osborn to approve the agenda with one addition 1) Request to close City Office early.  Motion Carried 3/0



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A MOTION was made by Council Member Taylor with a second by Council Member Osborn to approve the Consent Agenda as follows:  Motion Carried 3/0.

1.    Approve Minutes of the May 10, 2010 Regular Council Meeting

2.    Approve Minutes of the April 26, 2010 Work Session

3.    Approve Additional Claims for May 2010

4.    Approve 3.2 Liquor License for the Mayer Baseball Club

5.    Approve the Request from Zion Lutheran School to close a portion of 2nd St NW for Vacation Bible School.

6.    Approve the Sheriff Department’s Report for the Month ending April 2010

7.    Approve the Gambling Report for the Months ending March & April 2010


Council Member Stieve-McPadden arrives.



  1. Public Works – Council reviewed report ending May 21, 2010
  2. City Engineer – David Martini presented a summary of the projects Bolton & Menk have been working on during the billing period March 19 and April 16, 2010.
  3. Sheriff’s Department – Deputy Nelson had nothing to report.
  4. City Administration – The Council reviewed a report from April 26 – May 21, 2010 outlining activities by the City Administrator. 



  1. Discussion on the Driveway at 104 Ridgeway Road The homeowner would like the City to widen the curb at the driveway to give more room to turn with a trailer. The Council discussed the issue of the narrow driveway to 104 Ridgeway Rd.  Even though there is a street sign to locate the driveway, it still remains a private drive.  Discussion included changing the color of the sign to reflect a private driveway.    The Council moved on for lack of action.
  2. Storm Water 108 W. Ridge Rd – The Council reviewed the old tile line issue at 108 W Ridge Rd.  The City has an unrecorded easement for a tile line that was installed many years ago.  The tile was disconnected with the 2007 East side Street reconstruction project.  This past spring, the tile blocked and caused problems for the homeowner.  The City is considering fixing the problem and then turning the tile line over to the homeowner for future responsibility.  A quote was reviewed for the repair.  A MOTION was made by Council Member Osborn and seconded by Mayor Capaul to fix the tile line and to have the City Attorney prepare a letter of agreement to be signed that after the line is repaired, it will go back to the responsibility of the homeowner.  Motion Carried 3/0 with Council Member Taylor abstaining.  The City Attorney will also be contacted to see if a new easement is needed.
  3. Ordinance #164 Parks and Recreation Commission – A MOTION was made by Council Member Stieve-McPadden and seconded by Council Member Taylor to approve Ordinance #164 which amends 33.51 pertaining to membership of the Parks and Recreation Commission.  Motion Carried 4/0
  4. Peddlers and Solicitors License Fee Review – The Council reviewed Peddlers and Solicitors License Fees for other cities in Minnesota and Carver County.  After review, a MOTION was made by Council Member Taylor and seconded by Mayor Capaul proposing the City charge $100 for a Peddlers and Solicitors license fee for a year and to also require $100 toward a background check for a total of $200.00  Motion Carried 4/0
  5. Trails Seal Coating – Staff has been contacted by Bargen Inc. about seal coating of trails.  They stated they could honor last year’s prices if the City wanted to do more trails this year.  Trails remaining are the Trail from Ash Ave N to Hidden Creek Blvd, trails in W. Ridge Park and the Fieldstone trails.  Quote for all trails is $8,441.00 (36,184ft).  Quote does not include crack repair.  After discussion, a MOTION was made by Council Member Osborn and seconded by Council Member Taylor to approve the quote including crack repairs.  Motion Carried 4/0
  6. Guetzkow Request – The City has had a request from the homeowner at 117 4th St NE to participate in the cost of repairs dating back to 2008.  The new Council Members were brought up to speed on the issue.  After discussion, a MOTION was made by Council Member Stieve-McPadden and seconded by Council Member Osborn to instruct Staff to have the City Attorney send a letter denying the request.  Motion Carried 4/0
  7. Request to close City Office early May 28thStaff is requesting to close the City Office one hour early (at 3:30 p.m.) on Friday May 28th due to staffing issues.  Council approved the request and suggested the early closure be posted during the week and on the City website.



  • 113 5th St NW will be put on the next City Council Work Session
  • Also to be added to the next work session will be the possibility of having the Spring Clean up date after the City wide garage sale weekend.
  • Bonding for Park improvements will be added to the next City Council Work Session.
  • A letter will be sent to 220 4th St NE about parking in front of their detached garage.



There being no further business, a MOTION was made by Council Member Stieve-McPadden and seconded by Council Member Taylor to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m.  Motion Carried 4/0





                                                                                                            Chris Capaul, Mayor



Attest: ______________________________

            Lois A. Maetzold, City Clerk