Council Meeting 03/22/10



Call Regular meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. by Mayor Chris Capaul


PRESENT: Mayor Capaul, Council Members Taylor, Dodge, Osborn, and Stieve-McPadden arriving late


STAFF:  Administrator Murphy, City Engineer David Martini, Public Works Jeff Frost, Deputy Chris Nelson and Clerk Maetzold

ALSO PRESENT:  Don Wachholz, Nikki Larson, Rod Maetzold, Ivan Raconteur, Jim McPadden, Michelle Swanson, Shannon Sweeney


The Meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.



MOTION made by Council Member Taylor with a second by Council Member Osborn to approve the agenda with the following addition/correction; 1) Municipal Delegation Agreement; 2) Correction - Xcel Energy to present check to City.  Motion Carried 5/0



Michelle Swanson of Xcel Energy presented the City with a check of $250, a donation toward the 2010 Mayer Rising Community Festival.  The Council accepted and thanked Xcel for their donation.





A MOTION was made by Council Member Taylor with a second by Council Member Osborn to approve the Consent Agenda as follows:  Motion Carried 5/0.

1.      Approve Minutes of the March 8, 2010 Regular Council Meeting

2.      Approve Minutes of the September 8, 2009 EDA Meeting

3.      Approve Additional Claims for March 2010

4.      Approve the Sheriff’s Department Report for the month of February 2010



  1. Public Works – Council reviewed report dated March 22, 2010
  2. City Engineer – David Martini presented a summary of the projects Bolton & Menk have been working on during the two billing periods January 9 and February 5, 2010.
  3. Sheriff’s Department – There have been two incidents of graffiti at the Concession Stand.  Investigation of a tip will bring vandalism charges to one individual.  Council discussed offering a reward for this information.  A MOTION was made by Council Member Dodge and seconded by Council Member Taylor to establish a fund of $100 to be used for reward for information leading to conviction for this and future incidents.  City Staff is authorized to administer this Fund.  Motion Carried 5/0
  4. City Administration – The Council reviewed a report from February 22 – March 19, 2010 outlining activities by the City Administrator. 



  1. Reconsider Fire Truck Purchase – Staff had a request to add this item to the agenda for further discussion.  Upon additional investigation, staff discovered that the City must get two quotes or do a competitive bidding process for the purchase of the used fire truck.  Fire Chief Rod Maetzold presented the Council with three quotes for similar rescue trucks which showed that the price the City would be paying for the used vehicle is reasonable.  The Council reviewed the Fire Department Capital Improvement Pan.  It indicated that the rescue truck the Fire Department wants to replace is slated for 2015 and that two other trucks are ahead of the rescue even though the rescue is prioritized as Med-High and the other trucks are only medium.  The Chief said that it could have been moved higher – but that the CIP is only a guide anyway.  He reiterated that the truck is unsafe.  It is unstable and sways from side to side when traveling down the road.  He said that he continually looks for used vehicles and that this one came up and is an extremely good deal.  The dealer will be taking him and two other firefighters (one being a mechanic) to Iowa City on Thursday to see the truck, so no City funds will be needed for travel.  Council Member Dodge still questioned the trucks placement on the CIP.  The Council will review the CIP at a future meeting.  No other action was taken.
  2. Resolution 3-22-2010-5 Capital Balance Transfers – Council had established policy to transfer any capital outlay balance to a fund for future expenditures.  This resolution transfers the capital funds of $23,773.00 from the General Fund (100) to the Fire Truck fund (210); capital funds of $28,502.00 from the General Fund (100) to the Park Improvement Fund (220); capital funds of $32,792.00 from the General Fund (100) to the Street Fund (405); and capital funds of $30,000.00 from the General Fund (100) to the Community Center Fund (410).  A MOTION was made by Council Member Taylor and seconded by Council Member Osborn approving Resolution 3-22-2010-5 2009 Capital Balance Transfers.  Motion Carried 5/0
  3. Municipal Delegation Agreement – Loren Kohnen of Metro West Inspection Services, the Building Official the City contracts with provided the City with a Municipal Delegation Agreement for Building Code Administration on Public Buildings & State Licensed Facilities for the City to review and sign.  This document is new policy and would require the State to review all State, City and Licensed facilities to be reviewed by the State before a building permit can be issued.  After review, a MOTION was made by Council Member Taylor and seconded by Mayor Capaul to approve the Municipal Delegation Agreement as presented.  Motion Carried 5/0



  • Liquor license questions were answered.  All licensees are in compliance.
  • Community Rental issues were reviewed.  It has come to our attention that some residents have been renting the Community Center for others that do not live in the City and still only paying resident rental fees.  City Staff will try to do a better job of inquiring the purpose of the rental.
  • Council Member Dodge reported that the committee has met with R. W. Farms.  They will be more diligent about how much compost they will be bringing and monitor more closely when they turn the compost.  No food scraps will be brought in.  Dodge reported that it was a good meeting.



There being no further business, a MOTION was made by Council Member Taylor and seconded by Council Member Stieve-McPadden to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 p.m.  Motion Carried 5/0





                                                                                                            Chris Capaul, Mayor



Attest: ______________________________

            Lois A. Maetzold, City Clerk