Council Meeting 04/26/10



Call Regular meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. by Mayor Chris Capaul


PRESENT: Mayor Capaul, Council Members Taylor, Dodge, Osborn, and Stieve-McPadden


STAFF:  Administrator Murphy, City Engineer David Martini, Public Works Jeff Frost, Deputy Chris Nelson and Clerk Maetzold

ALSO PRESENT:  Don Wachholz, Nikki Larson, Ivan Raconteur, Jim McPadden


The Meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.



MOTION made by Council Member Stieve-McPadden with a second by Council Member Osborn to approve the agenda as presented.  Motion Carried 5/0



There were good comments about Spring Clean-up day Saturday April 24, 2010.



A MOTION was made by Council Member Taylor with a second by Council Member Osborn to approve the Consent Agenda as follows:  Motion Carried 5/0.

1.      Approve Minutes of the April 12, 2010 Regular Council Meeting

2.      Approve Minutes of the March 2, 2010 Park Board Meeting

3.      Approve Minutes of the March 16, 2010 EDA Meeting

4.      Approve Additional Claims for April 2010

5.      Approve the Gambling Report for the Month ending February 2010



  1. Public Works – Council reviewed report dated April 26, 2010
  2. City Engineer – David Martini presented a summary of the projects Bolton & Menk have been working on during the two billing periods February 5 – March 19, 2010.
  3. Sheriff’s Department – Deputy Nelson reported that he is working on City Ordinance violations.
  4. City Administration – The Council reviewed a report from March 23 – April 23, 2010 outlining activities by the City Administrator.  First Quarter Financials were reviewed with the Council.



  1. Part Time Seasonal Worker and Compost Employee – The City received a total of 67 applications for the two positions.  The personnel committee met and reviewed applications.  Interviews of 5 applicants were completed on Thursday, April 22nd.  The Personnel Committee presented their recommendations to the Council. 

·        Resolution 4-26-2010-8 Appointment of Part Time Seasonal Worker – A MOTION was made by Council Member Osborn and seconded by Council Member Stieve-McPadden approving Resolution 4-26-2010-8 appointment of Brandon Bullock as a Part Time Seasonal Worker.  Motion Carried 5/0

·        Resolution 4-26-2010-9 Appointment of Compost Employee - A MOTION was made by Council Member Osborn and seconded by Council Member Stieve-McPadden approving Resolution 4-26-2010-9 appointment of Robert Gunderson as a Compost Employee.  Motion Carried 5/0

  1. Ordinance #164 Park Board Memberships – The Park Board reviewed section 33.50 – 30.60 of Chapter III of the Mayer City Code.  They would like to see all references to members residing outside the city limits removed. They propose a requirement of all Park Board members to be residents of the City of Mayer. The Council questioned whether or not business owners should be allowed.  A reference to being a taxpayer may be a better requirement.  The Ordinance was tabled and will be sent back to the Park Board for further discussion.
  2. 2010 Seal Coat Bids – A MOTION was made by Council Member Osborn and seconded by Council Member Taylor to approve the 2010 Seal Coat bids as presented.  Motion Carried 5/0
  3. Certificate of Title for 113 5th St NW – The City has acquired the property at 113 5th St NW and during the transaction of recording the property it was found that the Certificate of Title has a flaw.  In order for the City to have a clean title the City Attorney is suggesting one of two things.  A court order could be initiated by the City (which would cost $2,000 in attorney fees) or the City can wait ten years and then request that the Examiner of Titles issue a clean title.  The Council had questions that could not be answered so the matter was tabled so the Administrator could get further information.



There being no further business, a MOTION was made by Council Member Taylor and seconded by Council Member Stieve-McPadden to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 p.m.  Motion Carried 5/0





                                                                                                            Chris Capaul, Mayor



Attest: ______________________________

            Lois A. Maetzold, City Clerk