Council Work Session 01/25/10



Workshop called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Chris Capaul


PRESENT: Mayor Capaul, Council Members Taylor, Dodge, Stieve-McPadden and Osborn

ABSENT: STAFF:  Administrator Murphy, City Engineer David Martini, Public Works Jeff Frost and Clerk Maetzold

ALSO PRESENT: Don Wachholz, Nikki Larson


1.      COMPOST SITE – The Council discussed personnel that would work open compost hours on Wednesdays and Saturdays and if the hours/days should be changed.  It was decided to keep the hours the same and to ask the current personnel if they are willing to continue working one or both of the days. 


2.      LIQUOR LICENSE – One of the City’s Liquor License holders is delinquent with their taxes.  It was discussed whether or not to renew their license for the coming year.  It was decided to have a subcommittee meet with them to discuss the issue.


3.      PEDDLERS LICENSE – Administrator Murphy has been working with the City Attorney on the Peddler License issue.  The City may need to repeal the Ordinance recently passed which prohibits Peddlers from coming into the City.  The Administrator will continue to research with the League of MN Cities and work with the City Attorney for options.


4.      FEE SCHEDULE – Administrator Murphy reported that the Building Inspector has proposed to raise the General Permit from $39.50 to $50.50.  The Council had general discussion on the merits of raising the General Permit fee.  A proposal to increase the Mechanical Permit to make it simpler was also discussed.  The matter will be brought back to the next Council meeting for further discussion.


5.      QUASQUICENTENNIAL COMMITTEE (125 YEARS) – The Council was asked to each find someone to serve on a Quasquicentennial Committee for the 2011 celebration. 


6.      OTHER ISSUES – The Personnel Committee recommendations will be brought back to the next Council meeting.



There being no further business, the work session ended at 7:30 p.m.                                                




     Chris Capaul, Mayor



Attest: ______________________________

            Lois A. Maetzold, City Clerk