Council Work Session 11/22/10
Work Session called to order at 7:25 p.m. by Mayor Chris Capaul
PRESENT: Mayor Capaul, Council Members Taylor, Stieve-McPadden, Oman and Osborn
STAFF: Administrator Murphy Public Works Frost and Clerk Maetzold
ALSO PRESENT: Don Wachholz, Nikki Larson, Ivan Raconteur and Erick Boder
1. Water/Sewer Budgets:
Administrator Murphy reviewed the Water and Sewer revenues with the Council. It is projected that considering the positive fund balance projected in the sewer fund for the 2011 budget and the negative balance projected in the water fund, there would be approximately a $94,000 deficit.
Keeping unused capital and budget amounts from year to year was brought up. Public Works Jeff Frost reported that there are funds designated for jetting and I & I that need to be done but have been put off.
Discussion also included looking at utility rates. It was reported that base rates have not been increased for several years. Last year the City did implement Conservation rates. Administrator Murphy will come back to the next meeting with options to increase utility rates approximately $30,000.00 which would be split between water and sewer. This would begin to address the anticipated deficit in the water & sewer funds for 2011.
Greg Kluver of Devries and Kluver Consulting LLC was on hand to present and discuss the Sewer Budget. He noted that there is a $13,304.00 over all reduction for this portion of the sewer operating budget in 2011. Reductions reflect 0% increase in salaries, and reductions in bio solids, treatment chemicals, electric and gas utilities. Kluver was commended for his complete and professional narrative. The Council also thanked him for his services and that he should keep up the good work.
1. Administrator’s Performance Review: The meeting was closed at 7:45 p.m. to conduct the City Administrator Review.
After the Review, the meeting was reopened. Administrator Murphy was given a favorable review.
2. Other Issues:
· Zion Lutheran Church has asked if the City has any projects that they could assist with as they strive to be Mission Driven in the Community. The City will keep them in mind when appropriate projects come up within the City.
There being no further business, the work session ended at 8:30 p.m.
Chris Capaul, Mayor
Attest: ______________________________
Lois A. Maetzold, City Clerk